by Ian Singer | Nov 23, 2015 | Business
The pending bill, which addresses State oversight of regional sewerage authorities, is intended to cap the budgets of authorities by limiting budget increases, overall and to local units (municipalities), to a 2% cap. The only exception to the 2% would be costs...
by Ian Singer | Sep 16, 2015 | Business
If you are a New Jersey employer, an extra step in your application process could limit future legal claims by your employees. A 2014 decision by New Jersey’s appeals court has the potential to make it more difficult for workers to sue their employers. Specifically,...
by Ian Singer | Sep 10, 2015 | Business
Davison, Eastman and Muñoz, P.A. were pleased to represent Frank Jones, Michelle Jones and their children as well as the Knights of Columbus in defending the term “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. James A. Paone, II, of Davison, Eastman and Muñoz successfully...
by Ian Singer | Aug 12, 2015 | Business
If you have been paying attention to this summer’s headlines, then you know that reports about data breaches are now nearly as common as daily horoscopes and baseball box scores. From the massive data breach of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management that will affect...