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Our attorneys work statewide, and ease of access for our clients is important no matter where they live and work. Our offices are located in Freehold and Toms River, New Jersey.

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Supreme Court Rules on 'Forum Shopping' for Jurisdictions

Supreme Court Rules on 'Forum Shopping' for Jurisdictions

Court Continues Trend of Restricting Venues Available to Plaintiffs On June 19, 2017, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) v. Superior Court of California San, Francisco County, et al. The Court’s decision in BMS represents...

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Brian Chabarek to Speak at NJDA Convention

Brian Chabarek to Speak at NJDA Convention

DEMLP Municipal Law and Employment Law partner Brian Chabarek will be speaking at the New Jersey Defense Association’s 51st Annual Convention in Hershey, PA on June 24. He will be on the panel presenting Employment Law during the 2017 Civil Case Law Update. Brian...

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The firm is proud to support the United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties as they host their 2017 Spring Tee-Off on Monday, May 22, at Hollywood Golf Club in Deal, NJ. UWMOC fights for the education, health and financial stability of residents of Monmouth and Ocean...

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Diversity & Inclusion at Work

Diversity & Inclusion at Work

Anti-harassment and anti-discrimination laws guide employers on the minimum legal standards that they must follow in the workplace. In 2017, culturally competent employers should want more than the legal minimum. They must aim to create, and to cultivate, a diverse...

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Steve Carton Honored by Monmouth Bar Association

Steve Carton Honored by Monmouth Bar Association

On May 2, members of DEMLP celebrated the well-deserved recognition of our friend and retired Of Counsel, Steve Carton, as he was presented with The Monmouth Bar Association Abraham J. Zager Award for Professionalism. The presentation took place at the Monmouth County...

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Dan Olszak Speaking at NJICLE Elder Law Conference

Dan Olszak Speaking at NJICLE Elder Law Conference

Daniel Olszak, Of Counsel at DEMLP and a member of the firm's Tax and Estate Planning Department, will be among the speakers at the NJICLE 19th Annual Elder and Disability Law 2-Day Retreat in Long Branch. His panel will discuss “Curtailing Financial Abuse of the...

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Chris Olszak to Speak on Estate and Medicaid Planning

Chris Olszak to Speak on Estate and Medicaid Planning

Christopher D. Olszak, partner in the firm’s Tax and Estate Planning Department, will be making a presentation on “Planning for the Future:  Estate & Medicaid Planning” at CareOne Jackson Assisted Living on Wednesday, April 19th at 5:30 pm. Chris is certified as...

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