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Our attorneys work statewide, and ease of access for our clients is important no matter where they live and work. Our offices are located in Freehold and Toms River, New Jersey.

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Riparian Grants:  Practice and Procedure

Riparian Grants: Practice and Procedure

A discussion discerning whether a bulkhead in a man-made lagoon has all the necessary permits in order to proceed with a Riparian Grant Application. The N.J. Bureau of Tidelands Management demands that an Applicant applying for a Riparian Grant that would extinguish...

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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual Harassment was first recognized as a civil rights violation and a type of discrimination in 1986. As most of us know, sexual harassment in the workplace violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act; the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and applicable...

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New Jersey Enacts Digital Fiduciary Act

New Jersey Enacts Digital Fiduciary Act

The Legislature has adopted, and the Governor has signed into law, the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (UFADAA).  Prior to the enactment of the UFADAA, the law was fuzzy as to who was entitled to digital assets of a decedent or a disabled individual. ...

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Beach Development is Prohibited. What Are the Exceptions?

Beach Development is Prohibited. What Are the Exceptions?

Development is prohibited on beaches (N.J.A.C. 7:7E-3.22(b)).  That said, it is important to know just what the State of New Jersey designates as a beach. According to the Coastal Zone Management Rule (N.J.A.C. 7:7E-3.22), beaches are generally sloping areas of sand...

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Christina Hardman-O'Neal Named MRCC Athena Finalist

Christina Hardman-O'Neal Named MRCC Athena Finalist

The firm is pleased to announce that Christina Hardman-O’Neal has been named by the Monmouth Regional Chamber of Commerce as one of 5 finalists for the Athena Award, which recognizes “an individual for business and professional accomplishments, for community service...

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Matt Blaine to Speak at 2017 InfoGov Conference

Matt Blaine to Speak at 2017 InfoGov Conference

Matthew K. Blaine, Litigation Partner and Chair of the firm's Innovation & Technology Committee, will be speaking at the 2017 Information Governance Conference at the Rhode Island Convention Center. He will be among the panelists covering "Navigating Information...

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Brian Chabarek to Speak to NJAHR on Employment Law

Brian Chabarek to Speak to NJAHR on Employment Law

DEMLP Employment Law Partner Brian J. Chabarek will be speaking to members of the New Jersey Association of Healthcare Recruiters on Wednesday, September 13th for the Annual Legal Update. Brian’s presentation will cover “Legal Updates in the field of Employment Law...

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